Saturday, September 25, 2010

Future Cars!

So Angela and I have this dream of having Mini's for cars when we get settled. So, we went to MiniUSA and made some custom cars!

Here is mine:

Annd here is hers:

Yeah I know, mine is just a coloured version of hers... but that's cute and sexy :D.

Also, apparently, the correct English grammar denoting "her ownership" is "hers".. not "her's". Thanks babe.

Well Shit...

I think it's been like [insert insane time for another blog post] since my last post. Sadly, this is only my second one. fuck.

Gahhh. So lot's of stuff has happened. To being with culinary school, finished Culinary Foundations II this past Thursday and onto Culinary Foundations III this coming Monday. Pretty excited. "Excited" as in a lasting excitement. Not that jittery type that you get before your birthday or wedding or something of the like. That's for something else on my mind (which I will get to later).

As for the "later" part, we're {Side note: when I refer to us/we/our, I mean Angela and I. Annnd, for those of you who are uneducated about me, she is my loving Fiancée.} moving to a new apartment this coming Monday as well. A very spacious, two bedroom, two bath, kick ass kitchen wielding appt. That is the think we're "jittery" excited for. Not too excited about moving our roommate's things from Wisconsin though... but we will pull through!

Anyway, I had a bug to blog something. I really wanted this to be some long meaningful post, but I've totally lost my train of thought.

More will come!

yes. more will come...