Saturday, September 25, 2010

Future Cars!

So Angela and I have this dream of having Mini's for cars when we get settled. So, we went to MiniUSA and made some custom cars!

Here is mine:

Annd here is hers:

Yeah I know, mine is just a coloured version of hers... but that's cute and sexy :D.

Also, apparently, the correct English grammar denoting "her ownership" is "hers".. not "her's". Thanks babe.

Well Shit...

I think it's been like [insert insane time for another blog post] since my last post. Sadly, this is only my second one. fuck.

Gahhh. So lot's of stuff has happened. To being with culinary school, finished Culinary Foundations II this past Thursday and onto Culinary Foundations III this coming Monday. Pretty excited. "Excited" as in a lasting excitement. Not that jittery type that you get before your birthday or wedding or something of the like. That's for something else on my mind (which I will get to later).

As for the "later" part, we're {Side note: when I refer to us/we/our, I mean Angela and I. Annnd, for those of you who are uneducated about me, she is my loving Fiancée.} moving to a new apartment this coming Monday as well. A very spacious, two bedroom, two bath, kick ass kitchen wielding appt. That is the think we're "jittery" excited for. Not too excited about moving our roommate's things from Wisconsin though... but we will pull through!

Anyway, I had a bug to blog something. I really wanted this to be some long meaningful post, but I've totally lost my train of thought.

More will come!

yes. more will come...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Day of Culinary School

Well hellooo.

I figured I'd start a blog about the life and times of Angela and I through culinary school. Dunno what I'm going to put in here. Ang will probably be starting one soon as well.

So yeah, starting at Le Cordon Bleu in Minneapolis, MN. It's looking pretty sweet. Ang kept on making me worried that it would be similar to a drill instructor situation. To be honest, I was a little intimidated when I first saw our chef. However, Chef Van is a very light and fluffy teacher who enjoys making it a delightful experience. This is good because I don't think I could take a hard ass chef. :P

Anyway, it started off with us getting some sweet black shoes. We ended up hanging out outside for a good 30 minutes in the -blazing- heat of Minnesota (of all places). Lemme tell ya, those uniforms, not exactly the most breathing room. :P But they're white so.. win some lose some.

Finally, we got to the truck with all the shoe goodness and gave the guy inside our size. I said a men's 9.5 and Ang said a women's 8.5. While we were trying out our shoes, we both made comments about their size. Mine being way to small and Ang's being way to big. Turns out, he gave me a woman's 9.5 and Ang a men's 8.5. We just ended up switching shoes. Worked out great! We always somehow make it work out in some odd way. We're awesome together that way ;)

Next, we got the rest of our uniforms so we'll have five total. I swear that bag weighed 20 lbs. Apparently, fabric adds up! That's nothing compared to our books. According to our tuition bill, books and supplies cost $4000.. yeah.. woah! Fun part is, we get it -all- in one round. So we end up taking two huge bags worth of books. I swear they weighed 100 lbs all together. Took forever to take them out to the car!

After all this, we finally got to some classroom time. Went around introducing ourselves to the small group of maybe 20 max. Pretty cool since we're going to be together for the next 2 years basically. Ang and I are the youngest there which is totally okay. Put's us in prime position to get a sweet job once we get somewhat through school. :) Started on some SafeServ training and the like. Not too exciting but interesting none-the-less.

Tomorrow we'll get our knife kits. Soooo excited! :D

This time, college is going to be great!

~Jewel Pengin

P.S. I thought this shirt was a great collaboration between my chef side and my geek side ^.^